Walking The Santiago Trail Day 9- Los Arcos to Viana

Walking The Santiago Trail Day 9- Los Arcos to Viana

Walking The Santiago Trail gets better and better each and every day. Well that’s a good affirmation to say while walking anyway! :) Today we walked from Los Arcos to Viana and it was a beautiful trek. We felt really strong today and my blisters on my feet are becoming more manageable, even though I have a few more small ones around my toes from my feet sweating in my cheap boots. In saying that my cheap boots still win over my Tai Chi shoes, which have since been binned!

We are receiving daily lessons from the Camino De Santiago, and more importantly we are listening to and deciphering those lessons. We live in a friendly universe, this has always been my belief; and so with that said then everything that happens is for the best and for what is known as the higher good. Even if it may not seem so in the moment.

When I look back at my life, everything that happened that seemed either tragic or in some way terrible at the time was actually for the best. To really understand this at the deeper levels we must realise that there is more to life than this body that we occupy for a minuscule amount of time. It could be likened to breathing on a window pane and the glass thinking that we were the condensation mark which disappears in only a few seconds, and then getting upset when it’s gone.

Life breathes and the body appears, and during the in breath the body begins to disappear, but once again Life will breathe out and the body will appear again. And so the process continues until we realise that we are Life breathing in and out.

I wasn’t planning on writing those last two paragraphs, they actually just wrote themselves! back to the Camino…I was judging the hospitalera for putting us in a packed dorm with only top bunk beds left, when there was another dorm with only one person in it. That did not make sense to me. We had a baby and getting in and out of a top bunk with a baby can be difficult.

But who am I to judge something, an event, situation or person as being right or wrong. There is an intelligence far greater than my intellectual mind at work conspiring in our favour always and at all times looking out for our higher good. In this we must trust and I keep receiving this lesson. As it turned out I learned later that there was a Korean girl who got together with the Korean guy at that albergue and she moved from our dorm that night down to his empty one so they got to have some private time to get to know each other.

I realised that the hospitalera was simply playing her role on the grand stage of the universe and so there is no judgement.

Simply put, there is a blessing in every stressing, we must search for the seed of benefit in adversary and if the universe could remind us of one thing it would be love and gratitude. This is the one thing that the Santiago trail is teaching us, if only we listen.

P.S.We are able to take a month out to walk the camino as we earn a passive residual income online. Want to do the same? Just click below to find out more.

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