Who Else Wants to do a One Thousand Day Challenge?

Who Else Wants to do a One Thousand Day Challenge?

Who Else Wants to do a One Thousand Day Challenge? This is the number 1 personal development tool in the world and will guarantee life success!

Reblogged From A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step-1000 Video Challenge #1

There is never a good time to start something new. You can always find a list of reasons why you should not do something .  The fact is that the real magic starts to happen when you TAKE ACTION.

As they say there is no better time, than the present and if not now, then when and if not you who?Here is the first video done in my home office. Click on the play button to watch it. 

I have been loving blogging and marketing for the last 5 years , but never really made the commitment to make my dreams and visions a priority. I have read and watched countless books and videos and I will continue to do so. I want to learn and grow and inspire you! 

Yesterday I read a blog post by my friend and mentor Matthew Armstrong  called ” The number one Personal Development tool in the world” which is One Thousand Day Challenge.

We all know , that success and improvement of any form and in any area of life are achieved by small actions taken daily . 

So here is my commitment for the next 1000 days. 

1. Make a video 

2. Write a blog post of minimum 400 words

3. Market the blog post in 20 minutes (list with ways to market to be made) 

4. Do all of the above before noon every day 

5. Read for 30 minutes 

Inside the 1000 day challenge I will have small and various challenges and my first one is to start going to bed without my phone. No phone for the next 21 days . Apart from everything else -radiation and eye damage -using the phone kills my creativity. I did it last night and woke up feeling great. 

I believe I am a consistent and driven person. I know it might take me a while to make a decision sometimes, but once I do it -that’s it-I am committed. I did feel fear of committing to this challenge , but my dreams and goals are far bigger than the small voices in my head talking about the video quality, the lights, the time and so on. Excuses are so easy to find and that is why they are worthless. 

I believe that every day is an invitation to REIVENT YOURSELF. One Thousand Day Challenge

I am here to serve you with information , inspiration and help you re-connect with nature. Eat, Move, Learn and Grow ! 


One Thousand Day Challenge begins today. 

Lots of love, 


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