Whats With The Attitude?

Whats With The Attitude?

Whats With The Attitude?

In the Star Wars movies Luke starts off with an attitude of immaturity, which sees him miss the mark on more than one occasion. It is only when he lets go of this immature attitude does he step into his true power as a jedi knight, which is plain to be seen in the third movie that was made. 

Master Yoda’s final teaching comes when Luke is unable to raise his X-Wing ship out of the bog. Luke sits back, still with his immature attitude and tells Yoda that he asks the impossible.

Then to Luke’s astonishment, Yoda raises the ship out of the bog . Luke turns and says “I don’t believe it!” To which Yoda replies, “That is why you fail!”

It is truly your attitude that will either make you or break you. Sometimes it takes being broken enough times for the message to finally sink in. 

People go their whole lives and still carry this immature attitude with them. True success in life is 98% attitude and 2% skill set.

To acquire this attitude, we must be open to learning, willing, humble and curious. Seems simple, but to be like this we must let go of our attachments. The attachment to being right, resistance to change and arrogance. 

This is often not that easy and it is often through great pain that we learn these lessons, but suffering does not have to be part of your journey. You can choose to embrace your greatness right now and remember when you do, to be humble about it! 😉

Todays power question: “What is possible for my life and in alignment with my vision that my previous limited thinking was not able to acknowledge?”

Todays power statement: “My attitude is one of gratitude and appreciation for all life’s gifts that are given to me daily!”

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong
(The dragon slayer)

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“Our greatest fears are like dragons guarding our greatest treasures” – Rumi

PPS: Remember to click here now . Your treasure awaits!


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