What Is Success + 7 Things Really Successful People Do

What Is Success + 7 Things Really Successful People Do

Really successful people operate from a number of core principles that when you learn and internalise, will also make you really successful too!

It is probably best to first define success as we will all have a slightly different spin on what success is. Some people say that your level of success is how much money you have in the bank, or your net worth.

Others will say that it is how happy you are or how much health and energy you have. So success really depends on what you value the most. If you are successful at what you value then you can be considered a success.

I like Earl Nightingales definition of success as he states in his audio “The Strangest Secret”. He say’s “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal”.


Tony Robbins says that ultimate success is “being able to do what you want, where you want, when you want, with who you want, as much as you want”. I like this too as it sounds like real freedom, which everybody wants at their core.

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So anyone that thinks that they are above success, or thinks that success is something to do with the ego, does’t actually understand that success is who we are when we are truly living authentically without the preconceived limiting ideas and judgements.

Here are the 7 Things Really Successful People Do.

1. They start with WHY! Really successful people have a strong sense of purpose and WHY they first of all wanted to do what they are doing. Think of Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King or the Wright Bothers. They achieved great success because of their reason why!


2. Initiative is the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur. If you are an employee and you want to be an executive vice president then you need to do more than only what you are told to do. You need to take the initiative and start shining above the rest. Most people don’t think and literally live like a goldfish does, never questioning the constant circle that they are swimming in. Stretch your thinking beyond what it needs to be, otherwise it will only be able to handle the status quo.

3. Really successful people surround themselves with other even more successful people. A prime example of this was Thomas Edison. He had almost no formal education as he left school at 13. But what he did was surround himself with men that knew what he wanted to know, scientists and inventors, including Nikola Tesla, who was vastly more intelligent than Edison.

4. Really successful people prioritise their time from most important to least important. Most people major in minor things and wonder why they don’t have enough time to do anything worthwhile. Simply because they are not prioritising it. For an entrepreneur they want to focus on income producing activities. This is what is most important to any business.

5. The desire to constantly learn and grow is a trait of really successful people. It is often said that successful people have big libraries, while unsuccessful people have big TV’s. Successful people are leaders and leaders are readers, if you catch my drift.

6. They have a wholistic and balanced view on life and take care of themselves mentally, physically and spiritually. Without this, the appearance of success is short lived. This may look like spending the weekends hiking in the hills, or attending a daily yoga and meditation class.

7. Attitude is what really makes people successful or unsuccessful. Succesful people take respopnsibility for their lives and don’t blame, complain or justify. They are unreasonable with themselves and with the world. They won’t settle for anything less than they can be. They challenge the status quo. It was george Bernhard Shaw that said:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man”.

And there you have it, Boomshanka! Get unreasonable now!

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