Wealth Mindset Training – Best Visualisation Technique
Wealth Mindset Training – Best Visualisation Technique
In the realms of wealth mindset training there is nothing that is more key to your success than the ability to keep going.
To keep going it is important to have a vision that is so compelling that it will allow you to get up and dust your self off every time you fall or come up against an obstacle.
I learn a great deal observing my son who has not yet been on this planet one year. There is much to be learned from babies, because they haven’t been infected with the mind viruses that we all receive to some degree growing up.
My son is learning how to walk and he stands up and falls down about 100 times a day. For most people if they were failing at something 100 times a day they would simply quit! Whether it be a sales man getting 100 rejections a day, or someone marketing their business who finds 100 ways that they don’t get any sales or customers.
The baby doesn’t think like this. No one has taught them that failure is a “bad thing”. The baby has a vision. He sees everybody else walking around and he too wants that freedom. He wants that freedom enough to fail ten thousand times, which is probably how many times he will fall before finally getting the hang of putting one foot infront of the other.
The baby learns from every failed attempt. He notices when he over balances, or doesn’t lift his foot high enough and catches it, and adjusts accordingly for the next attempt. If only we could all clear our minds of the negative programs we received growing up and remember our fearless baby mind.
It can be a simple shift in perception to “failure equals learning”, or “every ‘no’ I receive from a prospect is one step closer to a ‘yes’ “.
If we have a balanced perspective then we can be grateful for every outcome.
The best visualisation technique you can do to shift your energy and clear out all the useless junk in the mind, well is to realise that there is no junk there in the first place, but we often think there is and the visualisation techniques can be helpful in clearing this illusion, so read the following and then do it!
You are mighty and powerful like Zeus, standing 200 foot tall on the rim of a volcano. You look into the volcano and see the molt and lava bubbling and flowing. You take all fears from your mind, all limiting and negative beliefs, all the mind viruses that have held you back in the past. Hold them all in your hands and throw them into the volcano and watch them burn and disappear into the molt and lava.
Now you have power, the power to do whatever you desire to do in your life.
Continue with your wealth mindset training and this best visualisation technique as every time you do it you will rise to a new even more empowered level of success in your life.
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