Transformation…What Will It Take? Financial Freedom in 100 Days #28

Transformation…What Will It Take? Financial Freedom in 100 Days #28

To create financial freedom in our lives we must transform ourselves, and for this transformation to happen we must go beyond where we have gone before and be willing to ask ourselves the question “What will it take” And then do just that!

I love transformation, I believe it is this that gives life juice. I find it fascinating to watch people transform, including myself. I find it fascinating that a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, and I feel that butterflies are messengers of what is possible.

Growing up we all want to improve and be better. Most kids can’t wait to become adults so that they can be stronger, faster, more intelligent, more confident and have freedom to do what they want in the world.

But what happens when most kids become adults, is that they become complacent and lose that drive and desire. Most of society is programmed with the idea that learning and growth stops when we become adults.

The more we learn and the more we grow the more we transform. Transformation is simple, we just need to focus on growth and expansion of ourselves and be consistently holding ourselves to a higher standard.

transformation, matthew armstrong, transform, finances, financial freedom, breakthrough

But transformation is not easy as fears can stop us when we approach a breakthrough point. For us to breakthrough something has to breakdown and be left behind, like a snake shedding it’s old skin.

The thing with humans is we have control and can choose to breakthrough and transform our lives or we can choose not to. The thing is if we choose not to, especially when the opportunities arise then our life shrinks and we become less fulfilled and this is the path to spiritual death.

The mind will come up with all sorts of ridiculous excuses for not transforming or moving to a new higher level. It is vital to not be fooled by the rationalisations of the mind and instead move forward un-deterred.

When we transform, our world view transforms with us. We must change our beliefs about ourselves, our identity/self image, about others, about the world and about life.

This can be a scary thing and the truth is that most people are simply not willing to that. It all comes down to the question of are your satisfied with mediocrity or are you going to step up and live life on a level that for most will always be a dream?

make a decision to have complete life transformation of your finances, your health, your relationships, your body and anything else you see as important. Step into a new paradigm of living.

P.S. I earn my full time income online working just a few hours a day. Want to do the same? Just click below to find out more.When you now click the link you want to register to watch an incredible video that may well inspire you onto greater things, and by the way you probably haven’t seen anything like this before so go ahead and register now for free.

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