The Five Secret Questions That All Jedi’s Use To Overcome The Odds!
The Five Secret Questions That All Jedi’s Use To Overcome The Odds!
Secret Jedi training allows Jedi’s to be able to bend universal laws and do what most believe to be either impossible or simply a kind of magic. But just like a stage magician, once you know how they do it then the veil drops and it becomes apparent that most magic tricks are quite simple illusions.
The Jedi uses their mind in a different way than most other people, and therefore produces a different result in physical reality than most are able to do. How they use their mind to create magic is actually no more difficult than how everyone else uses their mind.
The Jedi first realises that they don’t have a mind, but in fact they use the mind to operate in the third dimensional plane. They have come to understand that the most efficient way to use the mind that seems to produce the best results is to ask powerful questions, which then allows them to tap into The Force!
When we ask questions then we open up to unlimited possibility. When we make a statement or judgement of some kind then we close off possibility and we set self imposed limitations.
Asking a question is just as easy as making a statement but most people are programmed to make statements, judgements and ask weak questions. So it is a matter of reconditioning the thought process and inserting a series of powerful questions into the wiring of the brain and then keep reinforcing them over time.
The younger we are when we start doing this the better and that is why jedi training starts at a young age when the brain has more plasticity and is more adaptable to change and be shaped in a more powerful way.
Tell a child that they can have anything they want in life and they will believe you, but tell that to most adults and the will tell you to get real!
I prefer the child’s thinking and recently I have been rediscovering my inner child and starting to see the world again with new eyes of wonder and excitement and life as an adventure. Maybe that is why I am weaving in the Jedi archetypal theme into my blogs!
You want the five secret questions that all Jedi’ use to overcome the odds don’t you? Okay, here they are, straight from the Secret Jedi training manual that I recently discovered.
1. How does it get any better than this? – Ask this question when anything seemingly good or bad happens!
2. What is right about this than I am not getting? or What is right about me that I am not getting?
3. What would it take to change this?
4. What else is possible?
5. What would it take for this to turn out better than I could have imagined?
The trick is NOT to try and answer the question. When we answer the question then we cut off from the energetic flow of possibility. We are looking to bask in a sea of possibility and the more we ask the questions, the more in flow in life we will become.
All jedi’s ask these questions daily and it allows them to be an energy and space that enables them to bend the laws of the universe to how they choose them to be.
Remember that the most powerful teachings are also the most simple and are therefore overlooked by the masses.
Use these powerful set of quality questions from the jedi secret training manual and watch your life unfold into something magical.
But wait, there’s more! There is a question that all Jedi’s ask first thing in the morning upon waking
This is the super secret 6th question from the Jedi training manual:
6. Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures am I going to have?
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The Force is strong in you!
Use it!
With appreciation,
Matthew Armstrong