Secrets of The Universe & Masters of The Universe!

Secrets of The Universe & Masters of The Universe!

Secrets of The Universe & Masters of The Universe

The secret of the Universe to becoming a master of the Universe is really quite simple that even some children know and use the secret.

Let me explain with a completely true story that I witnessed when I was 10 years old. It was at a time when the Ethiopians were in the midst of their plight and our school was raising funds to aid them.

We were all asked to break open our piggy banks or ask our parents for money. I was a rebellious kid and quite egocentric as most kids are. I didn’t like being asked to give money, especially for something that I saw as having nothing to do with me.

The next day all the kids lined up with their money to give the teacher. I had found one peseta on the way to school and thought that I would give that. I noticed some kids giving 200 pesetas, 500 and even 1000 pesetas. I gave my one peseta coin over and the teacher actually thanked me and said that every little helped. I was shocked by her reaction as my gesture was a rebellious one.

There was one kid in the class that was often picked on. He was small, had wild hair and seemed to always have a snotty nose. He had a wild temper and so we liked to poke and prod at him until he flipped out.

This kid gave the biggest donation of all and it didn’t come from his parents. He had worked all summer in a supermarket packing bags for customers and had saved every penny of it. He gave around 6500 pesetas, which was a huge amount for a ten year old in the mid eighties.

Everyone was gob-smacked by his generous donation and the news spread like wildfire throughout the school. The next day in assembly the headmaster stood him up in front of the whole school and edified him for his generous spirit.

Soon after that his family moved away for a year and when they returned he had completely changed. Hi hair was slicked back, he wore cool clothes, he was confident, composed and had a presence about him. He became the popular kid and everyone liked him, especially the girls. I was amazed by his transformation and started hanging out with him.

I realised that his act of service and generosity had made a big impact. From a psychological point of view he was given a new identity, most probably by the headmaster, an authority figure who boosted him so much in front of the whole school.

It made me realise that when we give something, we receive something back and it doesn’t have to be from the person we are giving to. Prior to this I would of wondered what I could possibly get back from the Ethiopians, but of course what comes back is often ten fold and can can come from anywhere in any form. For this kid who gave 6500 pesetas, his reward was priceless.

His actions sent out a ripple effect, as I am sure that it touched more people than just me and now you are hearing about it too. A simple act of service can magnify many times as we can see in performances like Le Miserables.

In fact look to the people who have had the largest and most positive impact on humanity and the planet, they have all acted out of service. The secret to becoming a master of the universe is to live a life of service. When we focus our attention on serving others then what we can achieve, accomplish and the value we can provide becomes stuff of miracles.

Look to the people you most admire in history and you will see that they have lived a life in service to others. Their generosity has sent ripples around the world and through the centuries.

To unlock this secret and become a master of the universe doesn’t take much, in fact it is a simple shift in focus from what can I get, to what can I give!

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The Force is strong in you!

Use it!

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong

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