Secret Code in the Bible Most People Miss!

Secret Code in the Bible Most People Miss!

Secret Code in the Bible Most People Miss!

When you ask a quality question over and over again repeatedly, it eventually creates a space in the thinking that draws forth an unconscious response of inspired wisdom!

There is a great truth to the simple and popular phrase of “Ask and it is given!” Genius is available to all of us, but it is knowing how to ask, that makes the difference.

Apart from “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” the most important phrase in the bible is “Ask and it is given.” Contemplate and understand these two phrases deeply and you will be golden!

Now I do not consider myself to be a religious person, nor do you have to be, but I am open to learning from all sources.

When I asked myself, “what is the most valuable thing I can offer in a daily email or blog post?” The answer that came back was. “Teach people how to think and recondition their minds for success!”

Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions. So the quality of our thinking is directly related to the quality of the questions we consistently ask, and that my friend will project out and determine the quality of life we lead!

Todays power question: “If my genius were to be expressed, what daily actions will help me achieve this?”

Todays power statement: “My inner genius is awakening more and more each day!”

Part 3 “Leg Break” (Continued from yesterday)

I crossed the finish line just behind the core group, relieved to have kept them insight the whole time and with that, knowing I had passed the test. Then one by one the stragglers came in. I had no idea how many had failed as all my thoughts were on what was going on with my leg.

We all did a cool down stretch and had a chance to remove our boots and tend to any blisters. As my body cooled the pain in my leg started to rise, until it was throbbing. A sickening feeling came over me as it dawned on me that my leg was broken.

It was time to get up and board the 8 ton lorries to return to camp. Every time I put weight on my right leg a shooting pain went up through it.

I was last to reach the transport and I dragged myself up the tail gate into the back and sat down. I looked down at my useless leg that was now seizing up and started to cry. The rest of the troop stared at me none of them knowing quite what to say. 

I had an image of being a fairly tough guy and the only look that was ever in my face was one of determination. At that moment I did not care what they thought of me because my life was over, or so I thought! –To be continued 

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong

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