Three Keys To Resolving Conflicting Relationships

Three Keys To Resolving Conflicting Relationships

There are three main keys to resolving conflicting relationships. Infact there are a whole buch of keys, kind of like a prison officer would carry, as relationships are complex things, especially amongst humanoids. But for now, I am going to offer you 3 keys as a basis and foundation to removing negative charge and judgement that you may have towards any other person.

The first key to resolving conflict in relationships, is the realisation that everyone is doing the best that they can with the resources that they have available. This belief needs to be reinforced over and over again until we have a deep understanding of it’s truth. The brain likes to go searching for examples of how this is not true, but when we truely understand the nature of what it is to be human and the mechanics of the mind then it becomes apparent that we are all doing the best we can with the resources we have available. When we believe this about others, then we also believe it about ourselves and this alone takes massive stress, judgement and energy drain off is. We immediately stop mentally beating ourselves up or anyone else about anything, so even if this is a hard one for your to comprehend fully, choose to believe it anyway as it will powerfully enhance your life.

The second key to resolving conflict in relationships is being able to understand and respect the other persons point model of the world, or point of view. This does not mean that we have to agree with it, but be able to appreciate that we are all unique individuals with no one having a set of values that are exactly the same as anyone else, or a view of reality that is the same either. For every nervous system there is a different universe. We can get into conflict with another when we think that they live in the same universe as us… they don’t! If we think they do, this can be stressful and frustrating when they don’t share our point of view on a subject.

The third key to resolving conflict in relationships is to not make assumptions. Virtually all conflict comes from a misunderstanding of the other persons thought process, intentions or actions. Humans on planet earth tend to assume even more these days with the invention of the mobile phone and text messaging and social media platforms on the internet like facebook. So many misunderstandings in communication and assumptions being made. This is a time in our history when we really need to become consciously aware when we are making assumptions and then delete them immediately realising that they are not reality but simply a projection from a representation in our head.

In making all these changes possible it is very helpful to become the observer of our thoughts, feelings and actions. This of course takes awareness and from awareness all things are possible.

Here is the video where I explain all this for a deeper understanding. Enjoy! : )

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