Is The Internet Being A Surveillance State A Good Or Bad Thing?

Is The Internet Being A Surveillance State A Good Or Bad Thing?

The Internet surely is a surveillance state well beyond George Orwells wildest dreams, but is it a bad thing?

There is no doubt about it and there is virtually nowhere to hide from the surveillance state if you are on the internet in any way. There are  a few people who choose to go off grid completely, only work for cash in hand and have no bills of any kind.

But if we want to take part in life in the 21st century then we must accept that there is little that is not known about us if government corporations decide to carry out any sort of investigation on us. There are those that try and hide their antics, but they have little chance of success.

We are tracked through cell phones, our IP address when we are online, anytime we make a credit card transaction and even by cctv footage. Of course Facebook is the biggest collector of information in the world, which may be used by mainly US intelligence services such as the CIA or anyone who decides that they want to find out about us.

The Chinese military hackers who were implicated in a broad set of attacks against the US government, were caught because they were accessing Facebook through the same  network infrastructure that they used to carry out the attacks.

Hector Monsegur, the leader of the Lulszac hacker movement, even though he thought he was on the ball with his interent security using an anonymous relay service, got caught by the FBI.

Paula Broadwell who had an affair with CIA director David Petraeus also went to extreme precautions by only logging on to her anonymous email service from a different hotel each time, was eventually tracked down, when the FBI went through the names staying in each hotel everytime an email was sent and her name came up each time.

People think that just because they don’t use Facebook that they are somehow flying beneath the radar, but not so. Facebook also tracks and correlates information of none Facebook users. Who Knew!

The point of the matter is that there is nowhere to hide unless you want to live like Grizzly Adams, and few of us want to do that long term!

So what is the solution in this increasingly surveillance state that is being perpetuated by the internet, social media, Apple IPad and  Iphone to name but a few.

The answer and solution is obvious…have nothing to hide. Become transparent. Resistance is futile as the good old daleks used to point out and warn us about in the Dr Who series.

Yes, it is an invasion of privacy and I am not refuting that, but instead of complaining about it or becoming paranoid about it, maybe it is time to embrace a new era of having nothing to hide, to being completely transparent in our lives.

Even better than that, become a beacon of light in the darkness and become as well known as possible as a balanced clear thinking leader in an otherwise insane world.

There are as many benefits to this internet surveillance state as there are down sides, and to have a balanced perception on this will bring equilibrium to our lives.

I was once quite hardcore on my conspiracy theories, and probably about 50% of the major conspiracy theories that we hear about are true. But what I realised is that nothing is more important than my peace of mind, so instead of getting angry or frustrated about what may or may not be going on I started repeating a mantra…

“Nothing is more important than my peace of mind”

That might sound selfish at first hearing it, but think about it, if we have a balanced mind at peace then that peace will vibrate out and will infect those around us as well. We will be able to make better more empowered decisions when we are at peace.

To be at peace benefits us, mind, body, spirit, benefits others and benefits the greater good!

We are best to do what we can in a peaceful way as much as possible and I am not saying that I am a pacifist by any stretch of the imagination. I am a big believer in defending ourselves and those that cannot defend themselves, including the animals of this planet.

As Gandhi said,
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

So go ahead and live your best life possible seizing whatever opportunities come your way and don’t allow yourself to be distracted by thinking you are under surveillance from Mossad or the CIA, because honestly you are not that important! ;)

If you are a slave to the system and you want out then click the link below now!

If you would like to be a beacon of light and get your message out to the world then click the link below now!

If you are none of the above but simply a curious type then I would go ahead and click the link below now!

P.S.I earn my full time income online working just a few hours a day. Want to do the same? Just click below to find out more.

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