I know the Secret! Groundbreaking Discovery For Ultimate Success in Life!

I know the Secret! Groundbreaking Discovery For Ultimate Success in Life!

I want to give you some straight talk here! But firstly I want to say that much of my wisdom has been cultivated through making mistakes. And I still often make mistakes. But that is okay…I don’t care so much about making mistakes or looking stupid, because I know that not taking action because of this fear is one of the biggest blocks to actualising more of our potential and I refuse to have regrets.
There are three types of people in the world. There are those that do, there are those that criticise those that do and there are those that don’t do because they are afraid of what the critics will do.
Now, if we are honest with ourselves we will realise that we have fitted into every one of those categories at some time or other, so we are all capable of each one. The question is where do you choose to spend most of your time. For me personally it is the former.
Okay, so this next one is for spiritual people who say, where is the BE category? I just like to be, because being is more important than doing! No it’s not. Being is doing!
The most famous teacher of ‘being’ in the world is Ekhart Tolle. But will he go down in history for simply being? No, he will go down in history for everything he did! He wrote a few bestselling books, he created a TV channel, he gives talks all over the world and he was Oprah’s favourite guest. 
People make a difference in the world through doing and everyone wants to make a difference whether they care to admit it or not. 
No one wakes up in the morning and thinks, I wish I had less money, I wish I had less energy, I wish I had poorer health, I wish I had worse relationships, I wish I was less influential… No one lies on their death bed and says they wish they made less of a difference!
We all want more, but we have received social, cultural and religious programming to create inner conflict and to fool us into behaving in a way that doesn’t bring us more abundance.
People stay in mediocrity because they see it as their identity, consciously and unconsciously. They look at those that live extraordinary lives and get extraordinary results and see them as different to them.
Most people who achieve greatness in their lives, spend about 25 years working on and developing it. If at the start of adulthood we were told how hard it is going to be, then maybe less people would quit on their dreams. Too many quit when the going gets tough. The going is supposed to get tough!
It is supposed to be hard sometimes. You can only transform when you go beyond your limits, beyond what you thought was possible, but the rewards for staying the course far outweigh any hardship. You can actually enjoy the hardship. 
Think about it like this: Doing a few sets of heavy squats in the gym is uncomfortable and painful. The lactic acid builds up in the legs, the lungs can burn and afterwards you can feel weakened with legs like jelly. If you saw no benefit in doing them and you were forced to do them then it would be a form of torture.
But for that short period of pain and discomfort you receive strong legs that bound up stairs effortlessly taking 3 or 4 at a time. The stronger your body is the more confident you feel. The growth hormone release from the pituitary gland in the brain from such an intense exercise will give you a heightened sense of wellbeing and clarity of mind and also a rejuvenating effect on the body.
The secret that I am talking about is very unpopular because it involves doing, but not just doing but doing big! And it also involves hardship. if you are going to do something worthwhile then you cannot escape it if you want to do something extraordinary and make a big difference.
Mediocrity is place for those that avoid risk, avoid hardship, avoid responsibility, avoid their fears and avoid making mistakes. It may be comfortable there, but it is also unfulfilling and unrewarding.
Get clear, get productive, make progress and keep going. This is where the magic of life lies!
With appreciation,
Matthew Armstrong
(Dragon slayer)
Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our greatest treasure



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