How To Believe In Yourself And Start Bending The Universe!

How To Believe In Yourself And Start Bending The Universe!

I truly believe that when we believe in something enough then we can bend the Universe to our liking and the known laws of physics shift and we find ourselves in the realm of miracles.

One of my first and most powerful lessons in this happened many years ago when I wasmatrix spoon bend image belief philosophy just a little boy. I might of been 9 years old and I had just learned how to jump off the roof of our house. It seemed higher than it was and looked quite impressive and I am sure scary for anyone seeing this little 9 year old kid jump off a roof onto the grass below.

I started to build my belief around doing this  by hanging from my hands off the roof and dropping down. After a while I would sit on the edge and lower myself a little and then drop off.

Once my sister was sunbathing on the roof and I climbed up and threw a glass of water over her, like any self respecting younger brother would. She flipped out more than expected and ran after me in a rage.

So scared at the anticipation of my sisters wrath, I ran and jumped straight off the roof and rolled across the garden after a bit of air time. I stood up and looked at my sister standing looking down at me with a stunned look at my ‘A Team’ style stunt.  belief believe jumps off roof universe

I now had a new firm belief that I could jump off the roof of my house, which I had built up over time through the many references of slowly progressing and then a big step up through one intense event.

A friend of my Mum’s visited us and her son came as well. He was the same age as me, but  had lived a sheltered life and was quite naive and gullible. My sister and I decided to have some fun with him.

We told him that we had some magic pills and when swallowed gave us the power of the cat, and whatever we jumped off, we would land on our feet and not be injured. He didn’t seem convinced so I grabbed two of these pills and swallowed them. I then became energetic and animated and ran up to were I could climb onto the roof.

The boy was impressed when he saw me leap off the roof and spring to my feet after a commando style role. “Now it’s your turn” we said. We gave him four pills for extra strength and power. He truly believed and started climbing a tree at the side of the house.

We couldn’t stop him, he went up that tree like…well, like a cat.  ”That’s high enough” my sister shouted to him, now getting a little worried. He kept going and climbed right to the top of the tree, completely fearless and full of belief. We watched in amazement as he leapt out of the tree and free falled to the ground.

He bounced like a ball when he hit the ground. There was a moment when neither I or my sister could breathe. The boy then jumped to his feet completely elated, with a grin on his face that went ear to ear.

The pills we gave him were sugar sweets, but he believed that they gave him the power of the cat, and they really did. His jump was more than twice as high as mine. More than 7 metres of free fall. For him not to get injured, not even a scratch, well that is defying the laws of physics, and that is bending the Universe.

We learn best by stories and so let this one soak into your unconscious mind. Since then I have had many other universe bending events happen, enough for me to realise that the universe may simply be holographic in nature. I highly recommend the book “Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot.

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I have been intentionally bending the Universe for years and if you would like to join a  Universe bending movement, then when would it now be a good time to click on the below link.


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