The Power of Now (Part 1)
Matthew Armstrong, author of bestselling book “You Will Be Thin & Feel Great”, explains the Power of Now for losing weight fast.
Matthew Armstrong, author of bestselling book “You Will Be Thin & Feel Great”, explains the Power of Now for losing weight fast.
The law of contrast is a powerful universal law and can help us psychologically overcome challenges. “The boy cried because he had no shoes, until he met the boy with no feet”. If you are ever feeling ungrateful for your life situation, use the law of contrast and look at your average persons life in central Africa and realise the abundance and opportunities that you have available to you at all times! If you have any other good examples then…
Matthew explains about the importance of adequate nutrition and drinking plenty of good quality water. “You are not hungry, you are dehydrated and lacking in nutrition.”
Matthew Armstrong demonstrating Vegetable Juicing for Health and weight loss.