Financial Freedom In 100 Days #11 John Demartini – Money & Heaven

Financial Freedom In 100 Days #11 John Demartini – Money & Heaven

“How to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven” is the title of Dr John Demartini’s book were he explores this possibility.

Can money, finances, spirituality and heaven all go hand in hand? To me it seems ridiculous that anything that is material is bad, wrong or somehow less than anything that is considered spiritual.

Everything is simply a point of view and has no meaning unless we decide to assign meaning to it, then there is meaning for us, but not without us, if you catch my drift?

Have a look at money…what is it really without any point of view on the meaning of it. It is simply paper with ink patterns on it or various metals shaped in a  certain way.

This is still a point of view, but one that virtually everyone will agree on. So we can either attribute  an empowering meaning to it or  a disempowering meaning.

Money can be used to ravage a country with war, or it can be used to supply a drought and famine ridden country with food water and medicine.

Is your hand bad, wrong or shallow? Seems like a strange question, but your hand has a similar potential like money. You can use your hand to strike someone or you can use it to shake someones hand.

Is striking someone bad or wrong even? Well if that person was about to stab an old lady that they were mugging then it wouldn’t be bad or wrong to strike them and there by stopping them in their tracks…would it?

To be empowered or not to be empowered ;) is a choice! By simply asking the question “What empowering meaning can I give this” this allow you to open up to other possibilities.

I find that reading is one of the main things that has really empowered me through the getting inside the heads of those that I want to emulate in some way.

I read only books written by wizards, and by that I mean people who have attained an extraordinary level of knowledge, skill, wisdom and achievement in their chosen field.

I have read books by Tony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, David Hawkings, Ekhart Tolle, Richard Branson, Neale Donald Walsch, amongst others and it has completely transformed my mind and my life.

These people write in their books the best of what they have learned and discovered and by simply reading their books then we can get into their heads and learn to think the way they think.

If you want to become financially free, if you want to become successful, if you want to expand you consciousness and if you want more money and to become a multi millionaire  then when would it now be  a good time to read the books written by the people that have already achieved what you want?

P.S. I earn my full time income online working just a few hours a day. Want to do the same? Just click below to find out more.When you now click the link you want to register to watch an incredible video that may well inspire you onto greater things, and by the way you probably haven’t seen anything like this before so go ahead and register now for free.

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