“Discover The Hero Within” The hero’s Journey!
“Discover The Hero Within” The hero’s journey!
There is hero within everyone of us. That is maybe why we all love a hero story and why they work so well in film and in novels—we unconsciously identify with a part of ourselves through these stories.
We discover the hero within when we receive the call to adventure and have enough courage to embark on the journey. You see a hero is not someone who does not have fear, but someone who acts in spite of their fear. This is what courage is!
You will receive many calls to adventure in your life and the quality of your life will be directly proportionate to how many times you either accept or refuse the call!
Accept the call and the quality and richness of your life increases!
Refuse the call and the quality and richness of your life diminishes!
It is really this simple!
The “leg break” story I told in my previous six emails and blog posts is an example of the hero’s journey when I have accepted the call.
No doubt there have been times when I have refused the call, but more often than not I have accepted the call—faced my fears and overcome insurmountable odds to return from the journey with greater wisdom.
My hope is to inspire you to accept the call when it comes, and I will continue with more of my own personal stories as examples that you may be able to relate to and see that you are not alone with your struggle and more importantly that there is a grand reason for it!
Continue to open each email from me and read each blog and watch each video for daily inspiration. We live in a world that can distract us with so much none-sense, so I wish to provide you with much yes-sense, with the hope you get the essence of what I am saying here! 😉
Todays power question: “What call to adventure am I receiving today?”
Todays power statement: “I am courageous and I act in spite of fear!”
With appreciation,
Matthew Armstrong
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