Delete Your Inner Wussy And Unleash Your Inner Badass!

Delete Your Inner Wussy And Unleash Your Inner Badass!

The inner wussy is that which stops us from taking action in pursuit of what we desire in life. It is an inner resistance which allows us to only play small in life and cowers away at the first sign of adversity.

The inner badass is an attitude and mental toughness of never giving up no matter what the seeming odds. The badass has admirable qualities of being tenacious, courageous and stands out as an authentic individual.

The badass is unstoppable, they will find a way, by thinking outside the box and creating new rules for the game. The wussy on the other hand is a conformist and will only live within the boundaries of their conditioning from society.

They don’t really think for themselves. They have been programmed from a very young age to have certain habits and though patterns which keep them trapped in the matrix.

School is often the biggest culprit along with poor parenting skills. But the idea of school is to create conformists with their indoctrination methods. Kids simply are not designed to sit in a hard seat for 7 hours a day and have what is mostly useless information shoved down their throat.

The children that don’t initially conform to the school systems ways are ostracized, and often this is enough to make them either conform or sink inwards into a depression.

The current education system is simply there to control the masses. Children are being trained to do as they are told from authority figures. Thinking for oneself, being creative and imaginative and tapping into their own innate wisdom is frowned upon.

Check out this Badass video were the woman is clearly in touch with hers!

It is truly our attitude that steers our life and it is we who get to choose whether we stay in the safe harbour, nice for a while but eventually boring and unfulfilling; or do we throw off the bow lines and sail out undaunted by the vast ocean, hoisting our sails to full mast and catching the trade winds, onward on our life path of adventure and discovery.

The choice is ours and what we choose right now echoes in eternity. Every thought, every attitude of mind and every movement is setting up the next one. It’s a simple choice…wussy or Badass? 

There is a scene in the movie Shawshank Redemption were Tim Robbins says to Morgan Freeman just before he makes his escape from prison:

“It comes down to a simple choice, get busy living or get busy dying”.

When would it now be a good time to start living like a Badass?

shawshank redemption quote scene get busy living or get busy dying badass

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