Confliction In Values Stopping You From Making Money? Make Money Online Starting Today!

Confliction In Values Stopping You From Making Money? Make Money Online Starting Today!

Confliction In Values Stopping You From Making Money? Make Money Online Starting Today!

Most people go through life with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake. Can you relate?

This happens when we have a confliction in values, which is most often a completely unconscious thing so we don’t know why we feel resistance or tend to sabotage our success.

For example we may value our religion or spiritual practice, which may look down on materialism, especially money. On the other hand we want to maximise our potential in life for ourselves and our loved ones, which we need money for.

We recognise how money adds to our life and also how our religious or spiritual practice adds to our life, but both seem to be in confliction with each other. They are not really, because the more money we have, the more we can concentrate on our spirituality.

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It is only on a surface level that there is a conflict and if we don’t rewire our brain then this can stop us from making the money and living the life that we know we deserve.

It is the meaning that we give something which determines how it will effect us. We may value Freedom and also value money and the desire for freedom may well propel us to make lots of money to experience financial freedom.

On the other hand we may give having a business the meaning of it takes away our freedom, because we have to spend time working, building our business and then all the responsibility takes away our freedom.

This is true for many businesses, especially a bricks and mortar business, but there are always other options and a home based online business can allow us to have freedom financially and otherwise. It all just depends on our point of view, because our point of view creates our reality. Some points of view simply seem to be more empowering than others.

To align our values and release any confliction or resistance that may be stopping us from making money and creating financial freedom we need to write down everything that is in our head. This will help us organise our mind when we see it on paper.

First step is to write down everything we value. Once we do this then we put them in order of highest value to lowest. If our highest value is freedom and money is way down the list somewhere, then the best way to rank it high on our values, (at least in the top three) we need to link it to our top value.

To link making lots of money and becoming financially free, to our top value of freedom we now need to write down every possible way that making lots of money will help us become even more free. Aim to write 100 reasons.

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This will be difficult and you will feel some resistance to doing this, especially after writing thirty or forty links, but it is important to keep going and get to one hundred as this will give you a breakthrough.

Persevere for as long as it takes, even if it takes three hours or all night, it can mean the difference of a life of struggle or a life of ease.

Now you have aligned your values and you are ready to make money online and become financially free in record time.

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