Bleeding Fingers And The 3 Keys To Success

Bleeding Fingers And The 3 Keys To Success

At some stage in life we all have a big dream, and yet so few can actually say at the end of their lives that they fulfilled that big dream. So what is it…what is it that prevents us from achieving our true life potential? And what do we need to know in order to reignite that dream and start living it?

There are 3 primary keys for success in life, and fulfilling our big dream. Before we get into that, we first need to know what our big dream is. If you have forgotten or maybe pushed it to the back of your mind to avoid the pain and disappointment of not achieving it, then it is time to regain awareness of it now.

Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes and ask the question “if I could not fail what would I do with my life”? The answer may come immediately, so be open for it even if it seems radical. As a protection mechanism the mind may try and steer you off course, so it is crucial to stay connected to your heart as your heart knows the truth. Keep asking this question until you become inspired by what appears.

The first key is not not settle for anything less than your full potential. It is true in life that we get what we settle for. This is very eloquently shown in the film “Thelma and Louise”. It’s worth a watch! As soon as we settle, then all growth stops, the universe shuts up shop and the process of creation halts and stagnation sets in. This place is commonly known as a comfort zone. The only way we can expand our comfort zone is to step outside it, and when we are in our comfort zone, then it will automatically get smaller. We all know elderly people who are afraid to step outside their front door. This is generally because of years living within the boundaries of the comfort zone, so it shrank and shrank over time.

If our life isn’t what we would like it to be then we must raise our standards, whether it be for our relationships, health, career, finances. Raising our standard of communication is a great start and not settling for any complaining, blaming or rationalising. To be honest with our words to ourselves and others.

The second key is to ask questions, which ties in with communication that was just mentioned. Our destiny is shaped by the questions that we continually ask ourselves. Substituting “why” questions for “what” and “how” questions can completely transform anyones life. So instead of asking,”why does this have to happen to me”? We can ask “How does it get any better than this”? or “What is great about this that I am not getting”? When asking questions like this it is vital to trust in a power that is much more than our conscious thinking can comprehend. We simply ask the question and let the universe do the work. You also have the question above that allowed you to find out what your big dream is “If I could not fail, what would I do with my life” Questions have more power than we can possibly imagine, use them wisely.

The third key is to keep going and never give up. I mean really, what is the point in quitting? Do you have something better to do? If so then it wasn’t really your big dream was it? Life is about the journey and not the destination. Choose a journey that you are going to enjoy. Become a lover of learning and even a lover of hardship, because hardship is a part of life and will show up in any worthwhile journey. Ask any master violinist, there was a time when they practiced so much that their fingers bled. But while their fingers were bleeding from playing their heart out, most other kids were watching mind numbing television, or playing some shoot em up computer game. Give me bleeding fingers any day!

For a Good visual watch this video!

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