What is Success? The Essence of Success!

What is Success? The Essence of Success!

What is Success? The Essence of Success!

Success is a feeling and no one can ever tell you that you are successful or not, it is only something that you can feel or not!

The thing is that most people are walking around feeling like they are not a success and I see this all the time, with clients, friends, people on facebook who write their unsuccessful status updates and through many of the general conversations I have with people.

It is really interesting because many of the people who see themselves as being unsuccessful, others around them see them as successful. So why don’t they see themselves as being a success?

Well, I believe that much of starts with the indoctrination system that we call school! Lets be frank, school creates obedient workers, who slot into certain roles in society and there is not too much room for individualism.

School has a failure/success curriculum and indoctrinates children into the paradigm from a young age. To be considered a success in school, you need to be getting A’s and B’s and it is only a small percentage of children that excel in this academic system, and so this elite are called successful and all other children are seen as failures.

Schools have come a long way from the days of wearing the dunce hat and having to stand in the corner of the room and face the wall for not understanding something, which is what happened to me regularly in the late 70’s.

Even those that excelled in art or sports still often ended up working in minimum wage and soul destroying jobs like call centres and the like, because it is a minute percentage that can actually make a living as an artist or professional athlete.

So the idea of success is really beaten out of us long before we reach adulthood as we buy into the false paradigm that we have to do something to be a success!

That’s right, to be successful there is nothing you have to do, because you are already a success! Success is a feeling that comes with a shift in perception.

I found out that, well before I was born I was in a race with 300,000 other sperm and only one spem would be victorious and fertilise that egg, and it was me. I won the race and became a success long before I was born. This understanding shifted my perception and gave me a realisation about myself that I was born successful and everything after that was a bonus!

So instead of striving for success, with a feeling of inadequacy, realise that you already are a success and let that be your foundation in which to rise to even greater heights. You do not need to strive or struggle or feel less than…simply allow your inspiration to flow and magnify your success with a sense of ease, joy and glory.

Allow the programs and false paradigms of the past fall away, know that success is something that you are and not something that you must aspire to. A manifestation of your success may be a big house and fast car, but it could equally be, being kind to all that you come in contact with and having peace of mind. This is the essence of success!

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With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong

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