Are You Divergent?

Are You Divergent?

Are You Divergent?

Do you fit into the mould that society has created for you?

It’s fascinating when we can step back and look at all the programs that we receive growing up. The school program, the religion program, the science program and the cultural program and then all the sub-programs that are contained within each of these programs.

We get told in school what we should do after graduating depending on our skills and abilities. Some are told to become doctors, others lawyers, others teachers, others trades people etc.

I personally didn’t seem to fit into any of it. Once I learned the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, the rest of it seemed to be a grand waste of my time. 

I didn’t go to church. I ventured in a few times and it seemed to be a strange place with images of a tortured guy all over the walls and people didn’t seem to be having a very good time. Most of them had their heads bowed, posture hunched and they didn’t look to be very empowered.

Please don’t mistake me for being an atheist, because I am not, as atheism is just another program. I love God (Grand Organised Design) whether personified or not, and I have read many religious texts from an objective point of view and much of them have beautiful and very helpful teachings. 

I am often in awe of this magnificent existence that we seem to be a part of. I say seem to be because there is a possibility that we are not actually here. There is a possibility that this is like a dream or a hologram that we have been projected into. If you have ever watched Star Trek then you will have seen the ‘holo deck’ that they use for simulations.

This can be mind boggling to imagine and I am not going to go in-depth about it here so if you haven’t unsubscribed by this point then you may be Divergent, and so I will recommend the book “Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot for further reading. I have read that book three times and it is a real mind bender.

Only the curious and open minded are still reading so there is a possibility that you are Divergent. If you have seen the movie “Divergent” or read the book then you will already know what I mean by divergent. If you haven’t and this is making sense to you, then I recommend you do. 

A Divergent can mean someone who does not fit into any conventional model of society. This can be a scary thing for the powers that be—because Divergent’s are less easily controlled and refuse to be boxed into any of the programs that society has for them.

If you feel offended by anything that I have wrote above then it is unlikely that you are divergent as Divergent’s are not offended by anything.

With the creation of the internet, Divergent’s have come to realise that they are not alone—and in-fact there are many others who also don’t seem to fit into society’s boxes.

Divergent’s are generally attracted to anything to do with growth and personal development as they see life as a constant expansion that they are part of—which also gives them an attitude of curiosity for learning and discovery.

Many Divergent’s become innovative entrepreneurs as they are not suited to most of the jobs and careers that are available and some create platforms for other Divergent’s to express themselves, grow, develop and make an income at the same time. Click here to discover the platform that allows me and many other Divergent’s to create an income live their fullest expression and be free from the system.

Todays power question: “What programs have I bought into that may be limiting my growth and expansion?”

Todays power statement: “I am a limitless being and I tap into more of my ever expanding reservoir of potential daily!”

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong 
(The dragon slayer)

PS: Would you like to earn your income from the comfort of your own home doing something worthwhile, rewarding and that you love? To empower your life and start living your dreams you want to click here now and get started with us!

“Our greatest fears are like dragons guarding our greatest treasures” 

PPS: Remember to click here now . Your treasure awaits!




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