This is Why You Are Procrastinating – Amazing Discovery!

This is Why You Are Procrastinating – Amazing Discovery!

This is Why You Are Procrastinating – Amazing Discovery!

An amazing discovery has been unearthed as to why you have been procrastinating! 

This is so profound that you will kick yourself!

You have been procrastinating because you haven’t made a decision yet! And I know this sounds simple, even too simple, but the truth is simple!

You will know that you haven’t made a decision on something when you say that you are ‘working on it’. I caught myself saying this earlier when someone asked me if I was doing something.

I realised that I was on the other side of that thin and almost invisible line of procrastination. You see, the thing about procrastination is that it uses stealth and is what I like to call the silent assassin!
It could be renamed as ‘procrassination’! 😉

The key to overcoming this formidable opponent is to first of all have awareness of it and then put strategies in place so that it can’t creep back into your life. It undoubtedly will at times, but the difference will be how long it stays there. 

There is great power in clarity, so get clear on what exactly it is you wish to do with your life. What do you want to achieve or accomplish. With this clarity of vision, the next thing to do is work out what exactly you need to do everyday to move towards and manifest that vision. The third thing is to get yourself a ‘vision journal’ to chart your daily progress.

The great secret is EVERYDAY! Do something everyday that moves you towards that vision. Make it your ritual and routine. And all this starts with a universe bending DECISION to do it!

Todays power question“What have I been procrastinating on, which is in alignment with my highest vision?”

Todays power statement: “When I make a decision, the universe bends to fulfil my desire!”

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong
Dragon Slayer

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“Our greatest fears are like dragons guarding our greatest treasures” – Rumi

PPS: Remember to click here now . Your treasure awaits!

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