The Power Of Surrender! All Master Jedi Knights Understand This!

The Power Of Surrender! All Master Jedi Knights Understand This!

The Power Of Surrender! All Master Jedi Knights Understand This!

Surrender can be a powerful thing! Many people see surrender as a weakness like giving up or quitting, but it is not that.

The most powerful warriors are those that have learned how to surrender. Luke Skywalker was a Jedi Knight, but still held tightly to what he thought he knew, until Master Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, gave Luke instruction on surrendering and using The Force instead to achieve his aim.

By letting go of control from the head, Luke was able to connect with his heart and allow The Force to flow through him, and by surrendering to this invisible Force he was able to harness more power than he could have imagined or done otherwise.

Sometimes we have to surrender to what we think we know to be able to access something on a higher level. To surrender we first must become humble, realising that we don’t have all the answers or know everything on a conscious level.

This surrendering could be to the unconscious mind, the heart, the higher self, God, The Universe or whatever you wish to call it. Just know that there is a power greater than you can consciously realise, that is willing and ready to help you at any time.

But the only way to access this power is to relinquish control, trust and allow the Force to flow through you.

My first and most powerful experience of this was when I was planning on joining the Royal Marines Commando’s. I had asthma, which was often triggered through exercise, or any rapid change in my breathing. I was not able to complete the cross country run in school and I would overdose on my inhaler on a daily basis, just to be able to breathe normally.

No one believed that I would be able to do it, but I had a intense desire and so I trained hard for it and gave it all I got. Coming up to my joining date, I was much stronger and fitter, but was still unable to run a mile without doubling over and would have to use my inhaler until my breathing returned to normal.

This was a problem and I had done everything that I consciously knew how to do to be ready for the selection process. But I still had asthma and it didn’t seem to be going away and I had done everything I possibly could apart from surrender.

So I surrendered and I asked God to take the knot from my chest and allow me to breath easily. I said that in return for this I would continue to give it everything I have and never give up no matter what.

An amazing thing happened…I did join the Royal Marines and completed 8 months of the most physically arduous infantry and commando training in the world, even breaking the assault course record for that year and receiving a physical training award on my passout.

The last time I used or even needed my inhaler was before I boarded the plane to join. The knot was magically undone and I was asthma free. This is the power of surrender and the secret to becoming a Master Jedi Knight! 🙂

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The Force is strong in you!

Use it!

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong


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