Not Making Money? Here’s The Hidden Reason Why! Warning – Controversial!
Not Making Money? Here’s The Hidden Reason Why! Warning – Controversial!
Are you finding it difficult to make money online, or even make money at all? Even when you see others doing it around you that seem to have less skill, talent or experience, what could it be? What is the hidden reason why you just can’t seem to make it happen?
You heard that making money online is easy and it is easy when you get out of your own way, because the truth is that the only thing that can stop you or slow you down is you.
Consciously you may think that you are doing all you can and it is still not working, but unconsciously there are other forces at work.
In NLP there is a term called secondary gain, which applies to whenever we want to do something or create some result in our life but we have something to gain by not creating that result. Often the secondary gain is irrational and more often we are not even aware of what it is.
As a health and weight loss coach for many years I came across this a lot. When I see resistance in a client to change, I then look for the secondary gain. What is there to gain by staying fat you may wonder? Well as a child, the person may have associated not having much expected of them if they were over weight.
An unhealthy and sick person who has resistance to getting healthy my have associated being sick to equalling love and attention, because maybe as a child they got ignored by their parents and only got the attention they so craved, was when they were unwell.
So what is there to be gained from not making any money or being broke, you may wonder? If we have had a religious upbringing then it may have been programmed into us that we have a greater chance of geting into heven if we remain broke or poor. We may have an association that being rich is equal to being greedy.
I loved watching Robin Hood as a child, and in that program the good guys and hero’s were poor and the bad guys were rich and mean. Robin Hood would steal from the rich to give to the poor, and that was completely acceptable behaviour. A very dangerous program for children, don’t you think!
Ask yourself the question, “what do I have to gain from not changing or not getting the result I desire” At first the brain might react with “nothing” so keep digging and keep asking the question until the hidden benefits reveal themselves.
Once we become aware of something by shining a light on it then we can begin to change it. Sometimes the realisation through awareness is all we need to transform ourselves and our circumstances.
Sometimes what we have been looking for is right in front of us and all we have to do is make a decision and go through the necessary steps to radically transform your life now!
P.S. I earn my full time income online working just a few hours a day. Want to do the same? Just click below to find out more.When you now click the link you want to register to watch an incredible video that may well inspire you onto greater things, and by the way you probably haven’t seen anything like this before so go ahead and register now for free.