How to Write a Book Really Fast! Whats stopping you?

How to Write a Book Really Fast! Whats stopping you?

How to Write a Book Really Fast! Whats stopping you?

I am going to give you some insight into how to write a book really fast and also what has been stopping you up until now.

I may not know you personally but I know something about you…and that is you have wanted to write a book for a long time. In fact you have always known that someday you are going to write book.

The thing is that for most people, someday just doesn’t come. It is an illusion as it is always a time projected into the future.

The main reason that you haven’t written a book already is belief, you just don’t have the belief in yourself to do it. But this is easily remedied.

The best way for me to tell you how to do it is to give you some insight into how I did it!

I had wanted to be writer as far back as I can remember, but my own internal insecurities stopped me. I didn’t believe in myself and was afraid that no one would like what I had written.

On an unconscious level I was telling myself, that at least if I don’t write a book then no one will know that I am a rubbish or boring writer, including myself!

I had built up a mailing list of about 1000 people from going to seminars and events and so I decided to write a regular newsletter and send it out. I was really nervous sending out my first article, wondering what the response would be!

To my amazement I received an incredibly positive response from many of those on my list. Some people even forwarded it onto their friends because they thought it was that good.

This gave me a massive confidence boost and so I started sending out regular newsletters and continued to receive positive feedback. I then had a realisation that if I put all my newsletters together then I would have a book and people already told me that they enjoyed my work.

You see my problem before was that I was looking at writing a book like it was this monstrous task and at the end of it people might hate it! But as the saying goes…how do you eat an elephant? Well hopefully not at all, but for the sake of understanding this principle, you eat an elephant one bite size chunk at a time.

In life we often overcomplicate things, but writing a book is very simple. You start with a sentence, then a paragraph, then a page, then a chapter and then you have written a book.

Realistic goals are ones that are actionable everyday, so if you can write a page everyday then you will have a book completed in less than a year. Everybody can do this and I mean everybody. You are not some special case that can’t do it because of some ridiculous excuse!

But writing a book in a year isn’t really fast is it! Once I decided to write a book I wrote it from start to finish in about 3 weeks. My belief level was high from writing my newsletters and I didn’t need to do any research as everything I wanted to put in my book was already in my head and from my life experience.

I wrote my book at night while everyone else slept. I didn’t want any distractions so I would sit in a room with no electronic devices, just me and my writing pad, all through the night and after 3 weeks my writing pad was completely full and I was finished.

That is how easy it is to write a book my friend. There is no secret really, you just make a decision and sit down and do it.

There are other even faster ways to write book. I know people who have written books in four or five hours….seriously, and this is how they do it:

they write down the main bullet points of what is going to be in each chapter, pin it up on a wall and then speak their book into an audio device and don’t stop until the book is complete.

They then outsource and send their audio to a transcriber in India or the Philippines and then send the manuscript to a ghost writer to be polished up. You can find people that will do this on elance or odesk.

I even hear that famous authors like Deepak Chopra amongst others use this method. It is incredibly efficient and means that you can literally write a book in a day.

Don’t worry about being perfect. Write for the waste basket, or if you are going to speak your book, then speak like you are going to delete it afterwards. It is important to get your creative juices flowing and the best way to do this is write everyday!

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With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong


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