How to Think Like a Jedi, Ninja or Badass!

How to Think Like a Jedi, Ninja or Badass!

How to Think Like a Jedi, Ninja or Badass!

Lets talk about how to think like a Jedi, Ninja or Badass! Specifically I want to talk about short term thinking vs long term thinking and vision.

It is without a doubt that the most successful people in the world in whatever field you choose to look at, possess long term thinking and vision.

The Jedi and Ninja training is long and arduous, but the rewards are great. When I joined the Royal Marines Commando’s at age 18 one of the things that attracted me was that it had the longest infantry training of any other military outfit in the world!

The Army’s training lasted only 6 weeks, but the Royal Marines was 8 months intensive infantry training. You see, I wasn’t looking for the easy route, I wanted to be the best of the best of the best! I actually spent 13 months in Commando training because I broke my leg! It was actually the best thing that could have happened, but that’s another story that I will talk about next week.

When new students come to my dojo, sometimes they will comment on how complicated the movements are and in depth the art is. Sometimes they ask how long it will take to learn everything, and I tell them that it is a lifetimes study! Many students are put off by this and instead decide to opt for a more common and rudimentary martial art.

Again what attracted me to Ninjutsu was that it was limitless and that I could continue learning in it my whole life. When a student is put off by this, I ask them if they have something better to do with their time?

The world is full of short term thinkers and they are accommodated for very well by society. Instant gratification is the name of the game and people lap it up like a dog drinking water that has just arrived home from a run in the fields on a hot summers day.

You must lift your sites higher and gaze further if you are to do anything worthwhile in the world. Many of the great accomplishments in history were carried out by men and women between the ages of forty and sixty.

Most people give up on living an inspired life long before they reach forty and many before they are even thirty, never realising their full potential in this life. They conform in the end to society’s mold, but the few who hold onto their inspiring vision through disappointment and hardship leave society’s mold far behind and instead chip away and sculpt their own life into a masterpiece.

The short term gain and gratification surely is the dark side as the Jedi know’s only too well. The dark side will always be trying to tempt and seduce you, but as long as you have your compelling vision and you know who you are, you will stay the path. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way!

I created the One Thousand Day Challenge for those that choose the way of the Jedi, for those that are willing to lift their sites higher and create a compelling future vision, for those that are badass enough to step up to a One Thousand Day Challenge and commit to going the distance.

Shifting from short term thinking to long term thinking is the most powerful and life changing decision you will ever make. The One Thousand Day Challenge is a tool that allows you to consciously do this. See previous post for details of the One thousand Day Challenge.

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Use it!

With appreciation,

Matthew Armstrong

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